Updated For 2020-2021
Structure of Program
LMAHH meets for 30 sessions on Tuesday evenings throughout the school year.
Sunday Program Options
Since the goal of programming on Sundays is for experiential, out-of-the-building programming, times may vary.
The LMAHH Sunday experience will consist of nine Sundays from September through May. Each Sunday (and Tuesday)
will be tied to a specific mitzvah or Jewish value. There will be no set “home base” synagogue for Sundays, as most programs will occur outside of the classroom and in the community. Some Sunday programming will be as an entire school and some programming will be broken into grade levels.
Tuesday Program Options
Location September - December, 2020: Adath Israel, Merion Station, PA
January - April, 2021: Beth Hillel - Beth El, Wynnewood, PA
Time: 6:30 - 8:30 pm. Pizza will be served! (food restrictions? give us a call!)
Building on the idea of a thematic curriculum, the Tuesday LMAHH experience will compliment, enhance and deepen the learning taking place on Sundays and vice versa. We are excited to implement a more collaborative and team based approach.
Each Tuesday will be built around a broad theme, the same theme that is tied in with Sundays.
Tuesday evening will begin with dinner and an enhanced and deepened version of our now famous current events update, "Jews in the News.”
Following that, we will have at least an hour of school-wide learning and programming. Team LMAHH is very excited to be working in greater collaboration with each other, engaging the entire school as one student body, but with maximum flexibility for adapting each week’s lesson and tailoring this to the students as needed. In the event that we need to respond to an urgent matter in the news, this gives us a space to do this as well.